Reon Properties Ltd

Date: 25 February 2024

Holy Shabbat will be celebrated on Sunday (February 25) with due religious dignity throughout the country. The night before the 14th day of the month of Shaban of the Hijri year is observed by Muslims as Shabba Barat or the night of good luck. This night is also known as ‘Lailatul Barat’. On this glorious night, devout Muslims engage in nafal namaz, recitation of the Holy Quran, and dhikr in the hope of receiving the grace of the Most Merciful Almighty Allah. Praying for forgiveness for past sins and wrongdoings and seeking the welfare of the future life. Muslims believe that there is an opportunity to atone for sins on this night. The next year’s Hayat, Rizik, and Amal are determined. Like other countries of the world, the Muslims of Bangladesh are engaged in worship, Zikir-Askar, Milad Mahfil, Nafal Namaz, and recitation of the Qur’an in Shabebrat. Many people visit the graves of dead relatives.

On the occasion of Holy Shabbat, the President. Sahabuddin and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina gave separate messages. On this occasion, next Monday (February 26) will be a public holiday.

President Md. Sahabuddin urged the wealthy to come forward to help the helpless, poor, and distressed people of the society in the coming Holy Ramadan in the wake of rising inflation in the global economic crisis. He said, ‘The holy month of Ramadan is coming after a few days. The global economic crisis has led to a rise in inflation. In this context, I call on the rich to come forward to help the helpless, poor, and distressed people of society. May the Most Merciful save the world from all conflicts and crises.’ In another separate message, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina urged everyone to devote themselves to the work of human welfare and nation-building, inspired by the greatness of the holy Sabbath. He said, “Let us establish the spirit of Islam, the religion of peace, at all levels of individual, social, and national life by avoiding all kinds of injustice, lawlessness, violence, and prejudice.”

On this holy day, the Prime Minister prayed to Almighty Allah Rabbul Alamin for the future progress, peace, prosperity, and welfare of the beloved motherland Bangladesh and the Muslim world.

On this night, in addition to homes, Nafal Namaz, recitation of the Holy Qur’an, and waj mahfil will be held in mosques. Devoted Muslims will spend this night through Nafal Namaz, Quran recitation, Zikir, Waj, and Milad Mahfil in the hope of gaining the mercy and closeness of Almighty Allah. Muslims will pray for the happiness, peace, and prosperity of the Muslim Ummah.

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